Friday, May 31, 2019
Car Safety Essay -- essays papers
Car SafetyAutomobile SafetyIts a dark rainy night. You and your family are coming nursing home from a late night family party. As a car is coming through an intersection a nonher car cut in front of it. The number one wood decides to hit the brakes so you can avoid the car, but as he presses the brakes, the car loses control on the slick wet road. He is not able to gain control and at that point he has endangered the lives of himself and many others on the road. This is just one example of the many types of things that occur in our streets bothday. All that would sacrifice been needed to avoid this situation would have been a traction control system in his car, which would have detected that the car was skidding and would have applied the brakes to the necessary wheels, therefore correcting the skid. Automotive companies must mandate the installation and improvement of specific safety devices to make our vehicles safer.The opposing forces are against my rivalry mainly because of one reason, money. These are mainly uninformed heap who are more than concerned with monetary issues rather than the safety and well being of every of everyone on our streets. They see things differently, for example, instead of mandating some things such as a traction control system in a car, which costs no more than $200-600 (Krebs 30), could in the long run lower their insurance costs, and prevent them from a potentially harmful accident. They would much rather have $200-600 worth of accessories. It goes to show you that these people chose style and comfort over their lives and the live of others.Most of the automotive accident statistics are quite overwhelming, and they show for themselves why todays cars must be made safer. 6,289,000 reported crashes, 3,200,000 people injured, and 41,345 deaths (car accident statistics). These are some of the statistics as of 1999 and they are expected to rise, due to the large number of automobile we are buying. By mandating the installa tion of certain safety devices in cars we can reduce these numbers drastically. Most car accidents occur at intersection, when someone makes a left sprain in front of an oncoming car. The result of this is that the car turning gets broad viewd on the right door of his car, also the weakest point of his car. So if most accidents are side impact collision why havent car manufacturers mandated the installation of s... .... Available http// lawyers.html.Bush, James W. Motor Vehicle Facts an Figures Wards Communication, 1999. 10, 11, 84-89.Car Accident Statistics. Available http// stats.html.Convictions Quashed in Fatal pass-Sign Crash. Chachere Vickie. The Miami Herald. 26 March.2001. Available http// dade/digdocs/091369 .htm.Krebs, Michelle. How to Buy a Safe Car. Auto World Weekly. 10, April. 2001. 29-30.Road Rage Endangers Innocent Drivers Too. The Sun Sentinel. 25, March. 2001. Available http// Belts. Available http//, Steven Cole. Swerving Car Hits Bus then runs Into Two Fort Lauderdale Homes. Tzortzis, Andreas. The Sun Sentinel. 25 March. 2001. Available http//www. /broward/search/sfl-cbus250mar 25.story. Volvo SCC. Is this the Worlds Safest Car. Auto World Weekly. 10, April. 2001. 31.Whiplash Injuries. Available http// html
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Wallace Stevenss The Emperor of Ice-Cream Essay -- Stevens Ice Cream
Wallace Stevenss The Emperor of Ice-Cream The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream, Wallace Stevens writes in his verse form The Emperor of Ice-Cream (8). This line proclaiming the ice-cream maker as serious as an emperor is used metaphorically to describe the selfishness of human nature. One the surface, the poem is about the aftermath of a poor, old woman. However, if the metaphors and symbols of the poem are examined, the poems deeper message becomes apparent. The attenders of the wake, who represent human nature, are uninterested in the dead woman they are only touch with their own wants - eating ice-cream. Therefore, the emperor of ice-cream is truly the mourners emperor, for the ice-cream maker represents the power of human selfishness, a power present in all humans.Stevens creates nondescript characters, other than in their plainness, for Emperor, thus making them easy to identify with as general and typical people, who therefore exhibit typical human nature. Furtherin g their regularity, the dead woman and her mourners are from a fairly low social status. Stevens writes, Let the wenches dawdle in such dress/ As they are used to wear, and let the boys/ Bring flowers in break months newspapers (4-6). The girls everyday dresses and the boys flowers wrapped in old newspapers are testaments to their plainness as well as their lack of wealth. Stevens says the dead woman has a dresser of deal,/ wanting the three glass knobs (9-10). Her cheap dresser missing three of its knobs is another example of the near poverty and simplicity of the woman and her mourners. Stephens characters are simple and mean(prenominal) people thus, their actions represent the actions and urges of simple and normal human nature.The m... ...ourners directing the light of the lamp probably onto the dead woman gives the impression that they find the dead woman slightly interesting and important. However, these impressions love and interest are quickly revoked when reminded that the only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream. In other words, personal pleasure is far more important than duty.The Emperor of Ice-Cream begins and ends with the ice-cream maker, thus establishing him as the most important piece of the poem. The ice cream maker is the only emperor he is the only person, representing human desire, that git truly rule ones life. This power makes the only emperor...the emperor of ice-cream.Works CitedStevens, Wallace. The Emperor of Ice-Cream. Literature Reading, Thinking, Writing. Fourth Edition. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston St. Martins, 1996.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Essay --
The American people love luxuriant food, but little do they experience ab reveal what is re entirelyy in their hamburger or chicken nuggets, and what damage the real ingredients in these foods can cause. Fast food has become a great part in umpteen peoples lives today because you could get it fast and on the move and its also cheap. Everyone has eaten fast food at one point in their lives, unless of course they dont eat meat, but they really dont have a clue as to what theyre ingesting. This paper will inform you as to what scientists have found in these deadly foods and what can happen in the future if you continue to eat these foods.Since 1980 the total number of weighty and obese Americans has doubled. The fattest state in America is Mississippi, with 1 out of every 4 people being obese. Each day approximately one out of fourteen Americans eats at a McDonalds, and each month about nine out of ten American children visit one (Schlosser and Wilson 7). There be more than 3 1,000 McDonalds selling Happy Meals in 120 countries, when in 1968 there were only about 1,000 McDonalds that were solely located in the unite States (Schlosser and Wilson 7). Due to McDonalds excessive advertising their Golden Arches of the M argon now more widely recognized than the Christian cross (Schlosser and Wilson 8). One of the close to important things people buy is food and yet most people dont think, nor care where it comes from (Schlosser and Wilson 9). Fast food is sold everywhere all across the globe. Americans spent approximately $6 billion on fast food in 1970 in 2006 they spent about $142 billion (Schlosser and Wilson 10). These number changes are astonishing and only increase by the year. Whats even more astonishing is that according to ... telling them to not eat the companys food. They had a list of diet suggestions on the website. A direct quote from the article was Fast foods are quick, reasonably priced and readily available alternatives to h ome cooking, while satisfied and economical for a busy lifestyle, fast foods are typically high in calories, fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt and may put people at risk for becoming overweight. They inform their employers of the risks of their food, but push their food into the face of the public.In concluding this paper, there are many horrifying facts about fast food. I bet no one expected all of the damage these foods could actually cause. The sad thing is most people dont know these facts, and dont care to know theyd rather live in denial and enjoy their delicious food than help their bodies and feed them the proper, indispensable foods.
The Ancient Maya Essay -- essays research papers
The Maya of Mesoamerica, along with the Aztecs ofMexico and the Incas of Peru, made up the highcivilizations of the American Indians at the time of theSpanish conquest. Both the Aztecs and the Incas were latecivilizations, between 1300-1533 AD, but the Maya of theYucatan and Guatemala exhibited a cultural continuityspanning more than 2,000 years, 1000 BC-AD 1542.Many aspects of this culture continue yet today. TheAncient Maya in their time had actually refined writing.They had an extensive written language, which was bothphonetic as well as ideographic. One of only fiveindependently created writing systems in man history.Maya words were in hieroglyphs, each picture with its ownmeaning. Unlike other ancient Central Americancivilizations, the Maya could write in words, sentences, andeven stories. Arranging some(prenominal) pictures together in a logicalform would create a story. The Maya covered their citiesand buildings with hieroglyphs carved into the stone. Mostof the Maya coul d read some hieroglyphs, but the priestsand nobles were the only peck who actually hadknowledge of the entire language. The Maya would alsouse quills made of turkey feathers to write in books madeof soft bark taken from a showcase of fig tree. Religion was thecenter of the Mayan life. Mayans believed that there weretwo levels of the world. The first level was the physicalworld and the second was the spiritual world, whichconsisted of the old dead ancestors, ...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Primal Scenes in Americana and White Noise :: White Noise Essays
  Primal Scenes in Americana and White Noise            Written in 1989, Frank Letricchias essay on the overriding themes of Don DeLillos writing offers a short just now concise praise of two of DeLillos major works Americana and White Noise. Letricchia offers the thesis in his essay that two scenes in DeLillos fiction atomic number 18 fundamental for his imagination of America (Osteen 413). It seems that Letricchia is using primal not to denote an animalistic sense, but more along the lines of a basic need.   The first of these primal scenes takes place in DeLillos first book, Americana (Osteen 413). In a particular part of this novel, DeLillo describes the invention of America as the invention of the television (Osteen 413). One of his characters even describes it as having came over on the Mayflower, which Letricchia interprets as meaning not television itself came over, but the desire for a universal third-person (Osteen 414). Le tricchia argues that television offers to modern Americans today what the Pilgrims ships offered to immigrants on the doddering days something to dream about (Osteen 414). Even DeLillo writes that To consume in America is not to buy it is to dream, which, according to Letricchia is to say that it is not the consummation of desire but the foreplay of desire that is TV advertisings object (Osteen 414). Which is to say, it is not the advertisements job to make you buy something, only to make you want to buy it, a point I find to be not only accurate, but somewhat disturbing as well.   The second primal scene that Letricchia touches on bewilders from the book White Noise. In the book, there is a small but significant part in which two of the main characters drive twenty miles outside of town in target to visit a tourist attraction known as The most photographed barn in America (Osteen 415). While this is the surface subject of the passage, Letricchia asserts that the underlying outcome at hand is actually a new kind of representation as a new kind of excitement (Osteen 415). In the scene from the book, the characters erect among crowds of people that are taking pictures of a very ordinary barn. One of the characters (Murray Siskind) begins a monologue about the fact that no one there has come to see the barn, but only to be part of a collective perception (Osteen 12).
Primal Scenes in Americana and White Noise :: White Noise Essays
  Primal Scenes in Americana and White Noise            Written in 1989, Frank Letricchias examine on the overriding themes of Don DeLillos writing offers a short but concise praise of two of DeLillos major works Americana and White Noise. Letricchia offers the thesis in his es put that two nips in DeLillos fiction are primal for his imagination of America (Osteen 413). It seems that Letricchia is using primal not to denote an animalistic sense, but more along the lines of a basic need.   The first of these primal scenes takes place in DeLillos first book, Americana (Osteen 413). In a particular part of this novel, DeLillo describes the innovation of America as the invention of the television system (Osteen 413). One of his characters even describes it as having came over on the Mayflower, which Letricchia interprets as meaning not television itself came over, but the desire for a universal third-person (Osteen 414). Letricchia arg ues that television offers to modern Americans today what the Pilgrims ships offered to immigrants on the old days something to dream about (Osteen 414). Even DeLillo writes that To consume in America is not to buy it is to dream, which, according to Letricchia is to say that it is not the consummation of desire but the foreplay of desire that is TV advertisings object (Osteen 414). Which is to say, it is not the advertisements job to make you buy something, only to make you lack to buy it, a point I find to be not only accurate, but somewhat disturbing as well.   The second primal scene that Letricchia touches on comes from the book White Noise. In the book, there is a small but significant part in which two of the main characters drive 20 miles outside of town in order to visit a tourist attraction known as The most photographed barn in America (Osteen 415). slice this is the surface subject of the passage, Letricchia asserts that the underlying issue at hand is actually a new loving of representation as a new kind of excitement (Osteen 415). In the scene from the book, the characters stand among crowds of people that are taking pictures of a very ordinary barn. One of the characters (Murray Siskind) begins a monologue about the occurrence that no one there has come to see the barn, but only to be part of a collective perception (Osteen 12).
Monday, May 27, 2019
What is the importance of Moira in the Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale ?
Moira is a strong character whose purpose and past life experiences influence her actions within the new Gilead regime. Moira is undoubtedly a post model for the handmaids in the novel as she is brave and is motivated by her beliefs from which she developed even before the regime was introduced. Moira is also Offreds partner with whom she can associate relief and trust. However, her determination for her own survival shows her to be selfish and dangerous.One of the underlying purposes of Moira in the novel is as a link to Offreds past. There are many make in the novel when Offred refers to her friendship with Moira before the regimeThere was a time we didnt hug after she told me she was gay, but then she said I didnt act upon her onThroughout the novel Moira is displayed as a flamboyant character, here, she leadingly jokes about her sexuality in order to comfort Offred. She appears to be a complete occupation to Offred as she is bold and out-going, her language is vulgar and brash. Furthermore, the fact that she is allowed to be gay in society shows how much more freedom there was in a pre-Gilead culture.Moira is a clear role model for the handmaids, especially Offred. She displays exceptional courage and determination throughout her time at the flushed CentreYou cant let her go slipping over the edge. That stuff is catchingWhen Janine shows weakness in the Red Centre, Moira takes it upon herself to help her and make sure the Aunts dont find her like it. The fact she tells Offred how to help Janine shows Moira plans to head for the hills. The escape from the Red Centre for the Handmaids is a fantasy, and when Moira successfully escapes, she too becomes their fantasy. Offred is particularly impressed by Moiras actions and at one point states if I were Moira, Id k presently how to take it apart This shows Offreds respect for Moira, and suggests her will to be like her. However, Offred makes no attempt to act like Moira, as her disbelief in herself is t oo strong.Although Moira is caring and a good friend to Offred, her plans to escape the regime are entirely selfishIve got to get out of here, Im going bats. I feel panicNot only does Moira not consider Offreds panic when she tells her she wants to pass but she also implies her escape will be on her own and for herself. Moiras put upance could be a direct danger to Offred, as she is associated as her friend and could therefore be considered either as a source of information for Moiras whereabouts or as a rebel herself. Although Offreds intentions for Moira to stay may also be selfish, as Moira is her only companion, and brings about an air of protectiveness and hope, because she never shows fear and always seems to believe she will escape.The fact Offred finds Moira in Jezebels hints she has been unsuccessful, as she has escaped to a place, which goes against herself and her idealsThat work youre with? Ive had him, hes the pitsThis quote shows she has slept with men, something sh e would not have been inclined to do in a pre-Gilead society, this clearly shows Moira is not a free woman. Moira is also wearing something she would not haven chosen freely, her out-fit is intended to make her look sexually attractive to men. This is something that Moira would have campaigned against before the new regime was introduced. The fact that Moira was unsuccessful makes her less of a role model in Offreds mind and her mistake was to be too determined. Moira acted on impulse and needed to seek a more powerful resistance than her. Offreds comfort she takes from Jezebels is maybe that the resistance she has discovered is her escape route. Offred now knows she can be successful without being Moira.So, Moira is a strong-minded politically aware woman. Her beliefs in womens liberation movement motivate her to resist the sexist regime she has been forced to comply with. Moira is a constant reminder of past life, as she represents freedom for women in a pre-Gilead and Gilead reg ime, although the sexism she now fights against is magnified in Gilead.Moiras determination is a contrast to Offreds, and her bravery is something, which all the Handmaids wish they had. Moiras heroine status makes her seem she can help any of them and they perceive her to be successful. However, in reality Moira has become a prostitute in Jezebels. Moira has become something that symbolises what she has fought against mentally and physically throughout her life. Moira is an example in the novel of failed determination. She shows that Offreds subtle attempts to resist the regime and find others like her are not useless.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Lab Questions: Latin Music Essay
1. Jazz is a musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th one C in African American communities in the Southern USA. One of the contributions of Latinos to the US, Latin jazz gained popularity in the 1930s into the late 1940s. 2. They were the original Mambo Kings in New York in the ?40?s and are considered the most innovative and influential orchestra in the genre. 3. Dizzy Gillespie incorporated Latin music into his music by the rhythmical of Latin music with jazz and also using Latin musicians in his band. 4. The Palladium was once a studio in New york but then was substructure of the mambo where people from different races danced and had fun.5. The television and films increased the exposure because movies and television shows were exposing some genres of Latin music by dancing and singing in the shows and also in the films. 6. Latin music influenced rock music using some Latin rhythms in their songs to make their song even better. 7. Latin music had such a great influence on the development of popular music because popular music were using some Latin material in their songs and people were amazed to what they were bear in minding to so more and more artists were using Latin rhythms in their music and It sounded great. 8. Well yes because I love dancing so when I listen to some songs to dance to I can hear the Latin material in the songs and it amazes me to know that Latin music is really a big pick of our music culture.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Group Performance Evaluation
I think that we have done well in our performence. As we have been elect to performe to an other(a) class as our idea was creative.I had done a good job, and remembered my scrpit I stuck to my role all the time and I did not advert any mistsakes.I suggested that the first scene be a mimed flashback about the mother packing away and leaving with some depressing music in the background. I thought this would work well because it meant the audience would be drawn into the drama from the beginning and it would be an imaginative way to start the piece.It was my idea to tilt a spotlight/lights for a different scene when we did our monologue as I thought that this would face the audiences attention onto us and they would then listen guardedly to what we were saying. As well as the audience will know when the scene would be changing.Jake suggested that Julia should make her vocalization louder and more aggressive when she was shouting at the us as this would make her character more reali stic and the audience would also be frightened of her.We all took responsibility for the lights and our performence in our drama and came in at lunchtimes to choose the lights we needed for the movement scene and record our monologue. During the performance we worked the lightning for the scenes and asked Bandana to manage then. We were pleased because the lights came on at the right time.I tried-to change my voice to women one to show that I was playing the mother. Although I found it hard, it worked well and everyone said that they were really impressed.When my character was getting angry about my father and economize I changed my tactile property to a really angry one and I made my voice shake as if I was going to cry. This didnt work as well as I wanted it to be but my clarity was not good and my voice didnt sound shaky enough. But Jake on the other hand done a brilliant job and made himself cry when he had an a emotional scene. Jade done well as well. She changed her tone of voice so it suited the situationWhen we wanted to show the feelings of our character we made our volume low and we whispered when we were . This worked really well with the movement we chosen which was to look down at the start.My gyestures were unussual because my character was quite a nervous person I made sure that I fiddled a lot with my sleeves and did not make eye contact with the other characters when I was speaking to Julia. When my character spoke I used my hands a lot to express myself as my character was a very enthusiastic person but depressed at the same time.My character had the habit of playing with a pen when persuasion about things, for example during the monologue and when I had to tell Julia I was playing with something. I decided to do this as it is a common thing for pack to do and added believability to my character
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Disadvantages of Smoking in Facilities
The Disadvantages of Smoking in Facilities A decade ago, it wasnt unusual to see mint smoking in public buildings. It seemed that everywhere people went there were countless chain-smokers lighting up cigarettes in public facilities where the smoke consumed anything in its path. Presently, there has been a form _or_ system of government somewhat the nation that has canceled out the expectant habit of smoking in public buildings. This has removed the common issue of an untidy, reeking fire hazard waiting to happen.I couldnt be happier with the idea of walk into a room and not dealing with the sight of ashtrays piled in every corner, and the walls drenched in brown tar. As a child I mobilise flinching at the thought of going out to dinner with my family and being seated in the smoking section if the smoke dislodge section was full. I hated sitting down after mortal who just finished smoking in the area where I cherished to wassail my meal. Most times I would wait for my fami ly to finish dinner so I could take my meal home.The inconvenience had me irritated when all I wanted was a stress complimentary night out. But, the appearance of a public place was the least of my problems. From what I can remember, the dreadful part about being a non-smoker in a smoking environment was being trapped in the stench. It didnt matter how hard I tried to get forth from cigarette smoke the sense of smell would follow. In my opinion, the smell of cigarettes comes close in comparison of spoiled eggs left out in the sun. Which caused my eyes to water and my stomach to operate upset.Imagine that smell leaking onto your clothes and having to wear it around for the rest of the day. I never understood why somebody wanted to inhaled something that smelled so horrible, and have non-smokers around them to contract at their caught? Not only is the smell of cigarettes harmful and disgusting to nonsmokers. Allowing people to smoke inside buildings is unsafe. Ive even witnessed a cigarette to start electrocution 72 hours after being put out. If someone isnt careful they can leave a cigarette to re-burn in an astray and cause a fire.I personally dont want to be put in a situation where my life is in someone elses hands. Its alarming to think that something as small as a cigarette can burn down a whole forest. Whether someone smokes or not, a policy causing public buildings to become smoke free is a good idea. Smokers might not be able to enrapture a cigarette bit inside a public facility, but it wouldnt limit them from smoking at all instead of doing it in someone elses expense. It also eliminates the detrimental feedback that non-smokers would have concerning their health or safety.The Disadvantages of Smoking in FacilitiesThe Disadvantages of Smoking in Facilities A decade ago, it wasnt unusual to see people smoking in public buildings. It seemed that everywhere people went there were countless chain-smokers lighting up cigarettes in public facilitie s where the smoke consumed anything in its path. Presently, there has been a policy around the nation that has canceled out the bad habit of smoking in public buildings. This has removed the common issue of an untidy, reeking fire hazard waiting to happen.I couldnt be happier with the idea of walking into a room and not dealing with the sight of ashtrays piled in every corner, and the walls drenched in brown tar. As a child I remember flinching at the thought of going out to dinner with my family and being seated in the smoking section if the smoke free section was full. I hated sitting down after someone who just finished smoking in the area where I wanted to enjoy my meal. Most times I would wait for my family to finish dinner so I could take my meal home.The inconvenience had me irritated when all I wanted was a stress free night out. But, the appearance of a public place was the least of my problems. From what I can remember, the dreadful part about being a non-smoker in a smoki ng environment was being trapped in the stench. It didnt matter how hard I tried to get away from cigarette smoke the odor would follow. In my opinion, the smell of cigarettes comes close in comparison of spoiled eggs left out in the sun. Which caused my eyes to water and my stomach to become upset.Imagine that smell leaking onto your clothes and having to wear it around for the rest of the day. I never understood why someone wanted to inhaled something that smelled so horrible, and have non-smokers around them to suffer at their caught? Not only is the smell of cigarettes harmful and disgusting to nonsmokers. Allowing people to smoke inside buildings is unsafe. Ive even witnessed a cigarette to start burning 72 hours after being put out. If someone isnt careful they can leave a cigarette to re-burn in an astray and cause a fire.I personally dont want to be put in a situation where my life is in someone elses hands. Its scary to think that something as small as a cigarette can burn down a whole forest. Whether someone smokes or not, a policy causing public buildings to become smoke free is a good idea. Smokers might not be able to enjoy a cigarette while inside a public facility, but it wouldnt limit them from smoking at all instead of doing it in someone elses expense. It also eliminates the negative feedback that non-smokers would have concerning their health or safety.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Introduction to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Introduction to Maslows power structure of lacks Each of us is motivated by postulate. Our most fundamental ineluctably are inborn, having evolved over tens of thousands of years. Abraham Maslows pecking order of Needs helps to explain how these needs motivate us all. Maslows hierarchy of Needs states that we must satisfy each need in turn, starting with the first, which deals with the most obvious needs for survival itself. Only when the lower order needs of physical and emotional well-organism are satisfied are we concerned with the higher order needs of influence and personal development.Conversely, if the things that satisfy our lower order needs are swept away, we are no longer concerned approximately the maintenance of our higher order needs. Maslows current hierarchy of Needs copy was developed between 1943-1954, and first widely create in Motivation and Personality in 1954. At this m the pecking order of Needs model comprised five needs. This original version remains for most concourse the definitive Hierarchy of Needs. 1. biologic and Physiological needs air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc. . guard duty needs protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc. 3. Belongingness and fare needs work group, family, affection, relationships, etc. 4. applaud needs self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc. 5. Self-Actualization needs realising personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and poll experiences. This is the definitive and original Maslows Hierarchy of Needs.While Maslow referred to various additional aspects of motivation, he expressed the Hierarchy of Needs in these five clear stages. 1. Biological and Physiological needs air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc. 2. Safety needs protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc. 3. Belongingness and Love needs work g roup, family, affection, relationships, etc. 4. Esteem needs self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc. 5. Cognitive needs knowledge, meaning, etc. 6.Aesthetic needs appreciation and search for beauty, balance, form, etc. 7. Self-Actualization needs realising personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. N. B. Although Maslow referred to additional aspects of motivation, Cognitive and Aesthetic, he did not include them as directs or stages within his own expression of the Hierarchy of Needs. 1. Biological and Physiological needs air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc. 2. Safety needs protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc. . Belongingness and Love needs work group, family, affection, relationships, etc. 4. Esteem needs self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc. 5. Cognitive needs knowledge, meaning, etc. 6. Aesthetic needs appreciation and search for beauty, balance, form, etc. 7. Self-Actualization needs realising personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. 8. Transcendence needs support others to achieve self actualization. N. B.Although Maslow referred to additional aspects of motivation, Cognitive, Aesthetic, and Transcendence, he did not include every of these as additional stages in the Hierarchy of Needs. here(predicate) is a quick self-test based on the extended 8- take aim Hierarchy of Needs. Like the 5-level Hierarchy of Needs self-test it is not a scientific or validated mover merely a quick indicator for helping self-awareness, discussion, etc. what hierarchy of needs model is most valid? Abraham Maslow created the original five level Hierarchy of Needs model, and for more this remains entirely adequate for its purpose.The s sluice and eight level hierarchy of needs models are la ter adaptations by others, based on Maslows work. Arguably, the original five-level model includes the later additional sixth, seventh and eighth (Cognitive, Aesthetic, and Transcendence) levels within the original Self-Actualization level 5, since each one of the new motivators concerns an area of self-development and self-fulfilment that is rooted in self-actualization growth, and is distinctly disparate to any of the previous 1-4 level deficiency motivators.For many people, self-actualizing commonly involves each and every one of the newly added drivers. As such, the original five-level Hierarchy of Needs model remains a definitive classical representation of human motivation and the later adaptations perhaps serve best to illustrate aspects of self-actualization. Maslow said that needs must be satisfied in the presumption order. Aims and drive always shift to next higher order needs.Levels 1 to 4 are deficiency motivators level 5, and by implication 6 to 8, are growth motivato rs and relatively rarely found. The thwarting of needs is usually a ca determination of stress, and is particularly so at level 4. Examples in use You cant motivate nearone to achieve their sales target (level 4) when theyre having problems with their marriage (level 3). You cant expect someone to work as a team genus Phallus (level 3) when theyre having their house re-possessed (level 2). maslows self-actualizing characteristics keen sense of reality aware of real situations objective judgement, rather than subjective * see problems in terms of challenges and situations requiring solutions, rather than see problems as personal complaints or excuses * need for privacy and comfortable being alone * reliant on own experiences and judgement independent not reliant on culture and environment to form opinions and views * not susceptible to social pressures non-conformist * democratic, fair and non-discriminating embracing and enjoying all cultures, races and individual styles * s ocially compassionate possessing humanity accepting others as they are and not trying to change people * comfortable with oneself despite any unconventional tendencies * a few close intimate friends rather than many surface relationships * sense of humour directed at oneself or the human condition, rather than at the expense of others * spontaneous and natural true to oneself, rather than being how others want * excited and interested in everything, even ordinary things * creative, inventive and original * seek peak experiences that leave a lasting impression maslows hierarchy of needs in advertisingTo help with training of Maslows theory look for Maslows Hierarchy of Needs motivators in advertising. This is a great basis for Maslow and motivation training exercises 1. Biological and Physiological needs wife/child-abuse help-lines, social security benefits, Samaritans, roadside recovery. 2. Safety needs home security products (alarms, etc), house an contents insurance, life ass urance, schools. 3. Belongingness and Love needs dating and match-making services, chat-lines, clubs and membership societies, Macdonalds, family themes like the old style Oxo stock cube ads. 4.Esteem needs cosmetics, fast cars, home improvements, furniture, fashion clothes, drinks, lifestyle products and services. 5. Self-Actualization needs Open University, and thats about it little else in mainstream media because only 2% of population are self-actualizers, so they dont constitute a very big part of the mainstream market. You can view and transfer free Maslows Hierarchy of Needs diagrams, and two free Hierarchy of Needs self-tests, based on the original Maslows five-stage model and later adapted eight-stage model, ideal for training, presentations and run into work, at thebusinessballs free online resources section.Free diagrams include * Pyramid diagram based on Maslows original five-level Hierarchy of Needs (1954). * Adapted seven-level Hierarchy of Needs diagram (which se ems to wipe out first appeared in the 1970s after Maslows death). * Adapted eight-level Hierarchy of Needs diagram (appearing later, seemingly 1990s). interpreting behaviour according to maslows hierarchy of needs Maslows Hierarchy of Needs is an excellent model for understanding human motivation, but it is a broad concept. If you are puzzled as to how to relate given behaviour to the Hierarchy it could be that your definition of the behaviour needs refining.For example, where does doing things for fun fit into the model? The answer is that it cant until you define doing things for fun more accurately. Youd need to define more precisely each given situation where a person is doing things for fun in order to analyse motivation according to Maslows Hierarchy, since the fun activity motive can potentially be part any of the five original Maslow needs. Understanding whether striving to achieve a particular need or aim is fun can provide a elpful basis for identifying a Maslow driver w ithin a given behaviour, and thereby to assess where a particular behaviour fits into the model * Biological health, fitness, energising mind and body, etc. * Safety order and structure needs met for example by some heavily organised, structural activity * Belongingness team sport, club family and relationships * Esteem competition, achievement, recognition * Self-Actualization drivers challenge, new experiences, pick out of art, nature, etc. However in order to relate a particular doing it for fun behaviour the Hierarchy of Needs we need to consider what makes it fun (i. . , rewarding) for the person. If a behaviour is for fun, so consider what makes it fun for the person is the fun rooted in belongingness, or is it from recognition, i. e. , esteem. Or is the fun at a deeper level, from the sense of self-fulfilment, i. e. , self-actualization. Apply this approach to any behaviour that doesnt instantaneously fit the model, and it will help you to see where it does fit. Masl ows Hierarchy of Needs will be a blunt instrument if used as such. The way you use the Hierarchy of Needs determines the subtlety and sophistication of the model.For example the common broad-brush interpretation of Maslows famous theory suggests that that once a need is satisfied the person moves onto the next, and to an achievement this is entirely correct. However an overly rigid application of this interpretation will produce a rigid analysis, and people and motivation are more complex. So while it is broadly true that people move up (or down) the hierarchy, depending whats happening to them in their lives, it is also true that most peoples motivational set at any time comprises elements of all of the motivational drivers.For example, self-actualizers (level 5 original model) are mainly focused on self-actualizing but are still motivated toeat (level 1) and socialise (level 3). Similarly, homeless crime syndicate whose main focus is feeding themselves (level 1) and finding she lter for the night (level 2) can also be, albeit to a lesser extent, still concerned with social relationships (level 3), how their friends perceive them (level 4), and even the meaning of life (level 5 original model).Like any simple model, Maslows theory not a fully responsive system its a guide which requires some interpretation and thought, given which, it remains extremely useful and applicable for understanding, explaining and handling many human behaviour situations. maslows hierarchy of needs and helping others There are certainly some behaviours that are quite tricky to relate to Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. For example Normally, we would consider that selflessly helping others, as a form of personal growth motivation, would be found as part of self-actualisation, or perhaps even transcendence (if you subscribe to the extended hierarchy).So how can we explain the examples of people who seem to be far short of self-actualising, and yet are still able to help others in a mea ningful and unselfish sense? Interestingly this concept seems to be used increasingly as an effective way to help people deal with depression, low self-esteem, poor life circumstances, etc. , and it almost turns the essential Maslow model on its head that is, by helping others, a person helps themselves to improve and develop too.The principle has also been applied quite recently to developing ill-affected school-children, whom, as part of their own development, have been encouraged and enabled to teach other younger children (which can arguably be interpreted as their acting at a self-actualising level selflessly helping others). The disaffected children, theoretically striving to belong and be accepted (level 3 belongingness) were actually remarkably good at helping other children, despite their own negative feelings and issues.Under certain circumstances, a person striving to satisfy their needs at level 3 belongingness, seems able to self-actualise level 5 (and perhaps beyo nd, into transcendence) by selflessly helping others, and at the same time begins to satisfy their own needs for belongingness and self-esteem. Such examples demonstrate the need for thorough interpretation and application of the Maslow model. The Hierarchy of Needs is not a catch-all, but it does remain a wonderfully useful framework for analysing and trying to understand the subtleties as well as the broader aspects of human behaviour and growth.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Contribution of Clausewitz to the Development of Military Strategy Essay
Carl von Clausewitz or known as General Carl Phillip Gottfried von Clausewitz was born in Magdenburg in July 1, 1780 and died of cholera at the age of 51 in Breslau, Germ whatsoever in November 16, 1831. He left a legacy that until this day his writings are still compulsory for reading in armed services academies twain in the US and Europe.He famous book Von Kriege or translated in English as On War discusses many of his optimisms in considering war as an extension of political thoughts rather than pure readings for array strategies. Analysts say Clausewitzs theories of war were considerations during war and not provocations on how to stage war a bump offst the enemies.In fact, he is not the total war strategist of the absolute war as early(a) people branded him solely even though his thoughts does not extract the art of making war our armed forces until today consider them as great contributions to the development of military strategies because of his concepts in advising techn ical discussion in the termination of war.Although Clausewitz wrote about different battle conditions, he goes further in relating battles to psychological and political considerations. He became popular in connecting his principles of war to be regarded as need for military strategies because his theories inspire military leaders to act on certain situations according to the demand of the situation. Therefore his theories moldiness never be applied as models of committing war but to serve as aids to judgment during wars.However, through and through the passing of time most of his tactical views were altered or replaced by other political and strategic thoughts but what he left about military systems and political strategies are regarded as pure standard for military strategic commitments (Teijebakker, 2008).Clausewitz served as a Prussian soldier, military historian and military theorist whose influence was most famous for military treatise. Although participated in military camp aigns, his sole purpose was to be a military theorist and do examens of war. During his time, other soldiers also examined the war during the Napoleonic era but not any of them has undertook the greatest philosophical examination of war other than Clausewitz and Tolstoy did.Another great writer, Jomini also took the same observation as Clausewitz but while Jomini based his theories on the system of war, Clausewitz writes on the philosophical view of it. If we are going to asses Clausewitzs philosophical view that militaries based the development of their strategies, we can see that Clausewitz has been able to introduced systematic philosophical inspection into westward and European military thinking. His strategic principles have powerful implications that are used for historical and analytical writing but also for logical policy, military preparation and planning on operations.Clausewitz believes that war is just a natural event that is part of social organisms such as man and a lways part of operable experience. He underlined that warfare is just as changeable as our societies that is why thither is the need for the distinction in manipulating strategies and tactics. He also asserted that there are no fixed principles that are adapted for tactical calculations and no laws for strategies either because wars are not all the same.This kind of philosophy motivates military leaders to assume that because of the changeable attitude and conditions of war, Clausewitz provokes on the idea that defense is a stronger form of strategic principle than crime. This is because as Clausewitz warned, once offensive advantage has an mental unsoundness of momentum such as a weakened or divided forces, the offensive stance can transform into a vindicatory orientation. So the widely distributed principle, as he stresses, is that defense is a prerequisite for good offense (Abegglen, 2003).Moreover, Clausewitz great emphasis on military strategies is that he wants to emphasiz e that wars are the continuation of government policies or in other words an extension of politics. There is warfare because war is motivated by political objectives and the only means to attain these political objectives is the commitment of war.Therefore he argues that what determines the character and activities of military operations are what the military leaders do in following the authority granted to them by the nominate driven by political aims. In this manner, since the military are under the ruling governing body of the state, the states which compose of the public firmament can also exercise their authority over military activities.But what was the most important message Clausewitz wants to convey is that although war is not extraordinary, the waging of war must be dependent on the political situation of those who wages it and with their allies and enemies. The strength of the military is not an assurance for victory but a defensive war seems to be the contributory f actor in achieving victory.The machines that man made for human destruction and the skill those soldiers learned were all part of human essay to achieve victory. But these machines are useless unless use in the battlefield and maneuvered with precise certainistic approach to warfare which include the art of defense and offense and military skills (Jolley, 2003).As a Prussian staff officer with political and military responsibility and with combat experience against armies of Revolutionary France, Clausewitz is prominently a military educator. Having to rise to the rank of a Major-General at the age of 38, his book On War which was written in Germanic language became the most important run for that is written that deals on the theory of warfare and strategy. The book tells of theories on the area of interest of military strategists, historians, political thinkers and political scientists.Clausewitz has met so many oppositions with his theories contain in his books but his influenc e is so great that even the Marxists-Leninists, the great navalists Sir Julian Stafford Corbett and the American nu receptive strategists apply his principles to their own theoretical application. Although they have different culture, stress and military orientation they all share the same belief that Clausewitzs writings are of fundamental importance not because only of their content but because of the influential his great mind has perceived.The book On War itself is always very hard to read and comprehend because it was still in its unfinished state and so the subjects seem too hard to follow. So many nations and great minds have failed to master it because of its unfamiliar style. But because Clausewitzs statements define great political thinking, precise military planning with principles of strategic calculations that are used by organizations in developing different strategies, Clausewitzs ideas evoke superiority in leaders and management in war and of societies.His continuat ion of defining policy with politics by other means happens to be misunderstood because probably his perception provokes shock and opposition. According to him he objects on the role of policy makers because these so-called policy makers always tend to create war just to achieve their goals when they cannot achieve it through peaceful means. On the other hand, experienced politicians and soldiers are against it because they know that war becomes really dangerous, chaotic and unpredictable when it is created for political goals.Another great significance of Clausewitzs theory to the advantage on the development of military strategy is that his ideas integrates a vast range of military concerns which include political, strategic, operational, analytical, tactical, pedagogical and historical concern that are in relation with the fundamental socio-political framework of the military.The good things about his theories is that they also successfully interrelates to a wide range of consid eration and can adapt to any political and historical changes that is why until today, Clausewitzs concept of strategies on war and politics are still being utilized as fundamental in military statesmanship (Bassford, 1996).But what are the main teachings of Clausewitz that they are still utilized in the management of military strategies today? In teaching Clausewitzs concept of strategies, military officials try to imbue to their soldiers how to analyze Clausewitzs theory of war so that they can check on its applicability on the military power on any given time.The soldiers must be able to assess the learning concepts with thorough examination such as learning the constitution of warfare as compared during the French revolution against todays practical application of military concept. As Clausewitz advised, mission analysis is essential to provide the learners or soldiers the sophisticated understanding of war, the nature of war, the purpose of war and the conduct of war. Assessin g these activities help the soldiers develop in internalizing their way of thinking so that they may be full of life in all areas of war and discover the characteristic of the opponent.Understanding the adversary makes the soldiers be critical on what analytical approach they can do to gain advantage during war. Then the essential points of engagement and following policies must be conveyed to the soldiers.These essential points include how to interact with war and its policy, understanding absolute war vs. the real war, perception on the moral and physical dimensions of war, strategic effects for the future leaders of war, understanding the sources of power and the dialectics of offense and defense. By assessing the principles of Clausewitz, we can now pace success according to the management of war (Bassford, 1985).As a conclusion, as Clausewitz always say that as wars are conceived, the generals of war must have clear idea on what are the goal of this wars. The militaries are l earning from Clausewitzs admonition that no one starts a war or rather zero in his right mind ought to start a war without prioritizing what the objectives are. The objectives of war can be of political purpose which the military must be certified while the conduct of war is the operational part wherein the military must operate accordingly. This governing principle of Clausewitz will set every war on its course and thus contributory to the development of military strategy.ReferencesABEGGLEN, C. M. V. (2003) The Influence of Clausewitz on Jominis Prcis de lArt de la Guerre Erlenstrasse 3 4414 Fllinsdorf, tycoons College London. forthcoming from URL http//, C. (1985) An Instructors Guide To Teaching Clausewitz. Available from URL http//, C. (1996) Review Essay Carl von Clausewitz, On War (Berlin, 1832). Available from URL http//www.clausewitz .com/CWZHOME/CREV/CWZREV.htm
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Economics School-Based Assessment Essay
Introduction calcium hydroxide, an acronym for Landline, Internet, Mobile, Entertainment, is owned by the British based Cable & Wireless Communications. The company formed from the coordinated businesses of Cable & Wireless in the Caribbean which adopted the birdlime name on 3rd of November 2008. With people spending a lot of time accomplishing tasks and doing researches, the earnings has becomevery substantial to individuals nowadays. Without the internet some individuals think that they outhousenot survive because of how it is used to provide a variety of entropy and communication facilities in order to get the work make quickly and/or enjoy ones self with family and friends.People atomic number 18 becoming very lazy and find it difficult to open a book to find schooling, so instead they use the internet to gather the information quickly. Businesses excessively use the internet to do market researches and many early(a) activities. The internet has basically any and e very thing. More than 50% of homes in Jamaica has internet and for those that cannot afford the internet, the Government has provided facilities to them. With people wanting to send or gravel emails, use search engine to gather information, looking for hobby or interest on the web.I have decided to do an investigationof the Internet Service exertion within Jamaica with reference specifically to LIME .AcknowledgementI would equal to thank everyone who would have contributed to the completion of this School-Based Assessment. First of all I would like to thank God firstly for the opportunity to do such a project and also for the wisdom, strength and understanding to complete this assignment. Other people who I would like to thank are My Economics teacher for her constant advices and willingness to help. All those who answered the enquirynaires distributed.My family for helping and supporting me during the execution of this project.Objectives of researchThe aims of this investigatio n are1. To establish the type of relationship there is between footing and standard demanded for internet swear out at LIME. 2. To examine of the principal factors affecting the demand of LIME and head for the hills 3. To examine the price elasticity of demand of internet portion at LIME and Flow 4. To determine whose internet supporter can mainly be found in form 5 of the St. Martins secondary school. 5. To briefly examinethe market structure for internet service in Jamaica. 6. To briefly examine the market conditions affecting the supply of internet service at LIME and Flow in Jamaica.MethodologyThe SBA was conducted in my community.Primary Sources1. wondernaire Twenty pointnaires were shared out to students in form 5 of the St. Martins secondary school. 2. InterviewThe managers of LIME and Karib Cable were interviewed to obtain information such as how they attract customers to their business.Secondary Sources1. Textbooks Economics textbooks were used to have a exculpated understanding of the Laws of Demand and Supply. 2. Internet The websites listed in the bibliography were used to further clarify economic concepts to enhance the school-based assessment.20 questionnaires were given to the students of form 5 in the society of. Two interviews were conducted with the managers of LIME and Flow outlets inOchi rios. The internet service industry in Jamaica is one of an Oligopoly market structure. Thus, there are only a few super firms, Homogeneous or differentiated products, imperfect knowledge of the market, they are price makers with price rigidity and also have many buyers. As such, there are little competition levels which ideally lead to the producers satisfaction and welfare.After the data were collected from the questionnaire, I discovered that all the participants were between the ages of 16-17. The study as shown that LIMEs internet service was the mostdemanded internet service in Guys hill. Question 1 )10 of the students who were given questi onnaires had access to the internet at their homes. This may ascribable to the addiction to social networking or the need of having the internet to gather information. Since the internet is the quickest way of gathering information and communicating with former(a)s the demand for internet would be high.Question 2 In question (2) 60% of the students say that they have LIMEs internet service eyepatch 40% have Flow internet service. The fact that to a greater extent students preferred LIMEs internet service shows that some method of attracting customers that Flow is lacking. Based on the supply information gained from the interviews, these methods include the sponsoring of events and other methods. Effective use of these methods can increase the demand for internet, lower production bell, will result in a decrease cost price and lead to an extension of demand, all of which increases a firms profits. Question 3 The question Who pays for the internet you have access to was asked in q uestion 3. Majority (80%) of the students said that they parents pays for the internet while the other 20% said that their grandparents pays for the internet. This shows that even students may have the zest and the willingness to pay for the internet service they are not backed by the cap exponent to pay for it.Question 4 All (20) of the students said that the person who pays for the internet at their home currently has a job. This shows that persons who have jobs are the ones who have ability to pay for internet service at their homes. Question 5 In relation to question 5 responses, 16 of the persons who pay for the internet are full-time employees while the other 4 are part-time. The 16 full-time employees who might be eligible for benefitshave LIMEs internet service and this might be so maybe because of personal preference and wanting top quality service. Question 6 16 students said that the person who pays for their internet occupational classification is white collar while th e other 4 said its blue collar.The 4 blue collar workers internet service provider is Flow, which shows that people who receive less income prefers Karib Cables internet service maybe because of the price of the service.Question 7 In relation to question 8, 18 of the students use the internet mostly for social networking while the other 2 uses it for information. Sites like facebookand twitter are social networking sites that enable users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images, ect and these sites have become the most popular website on the internet. So therefore students may have a deep desire to have internet service to use these sites. Question 8 According to question 7 90% of the students use the internet on a periodic basis. Based on the questionnaire this is due to addiction to social networking by these students. The other 10% uses it weekly and this is due to the need of gathering information.Question 9 In question 9 the question w as asked What is the main factor of choosing your internet service provider? Many factors affect the demand for a specific internet service such as preference, price of the internet and advertisement. 60% of the students said that its because of preference while the other 40% said that its because of price of the internet service. This may be so because people may have a greater appetency for a certain internet service because of its reliability. No onewants to be experiencing difficulties with the internet while surfing. Question 10 8 persons said that they pay a price range of $800-$ constant of gravitation while12 persons said that they pay from $1300-$1500According to the information on the questionnaires the 12 persons who pays at the price range of $1300-$1500 internet service provider is Lime, which shows that flows rates are a little cheaper than LIMEs rates. Question 11 All of the students internet speed is 1 megabyte per sec. Although LIME and flow provides 4mbps, which i s a lot faster than 1mbps shows that people only have the ability to pay for 1mbps a month. Question 12 According to question 12, 60% of these students dont experience any problems at times, while the other 40% experiences problems.The 60% of students who dont experience any problems internet service provider is LIME. This means that even though LIMEs rates are a little more expensive, they provide better service than Flow and that is why LIME attracts more customers to their services. The fact that LIMEs internet service is more expensive may due to the cost of production. Question 13 6 of the students who experience problems said that they experience slow internet at times, while the other 2 students said that at times they dont have internet at times.Question 14 In relation to question 14 these problems were experienced daily by 25% of these student, 25% weekly and 50% of the students who experience problems experiences monthly.Question 15 The question If the price for your inter net was $1000 a month for 1MBPS (Mega Bytes per Second), you would purchase 20% of the students said that they would purchase 2mbps at $1500 per month. This shows that persons have the desire and willingness to purchase 2mbps but they dont have the ability to do so.Question 16 50 % of the students showed willingness to purchase 2mbps at $1500 per month. As price increases from $1500 to $2000 for 2mbps, the quantity demanded decreased thus, the law of demand stands (as prices increase, demand decreases). The P.E.D was calculated as -0.15, indicating price inelasticity. As the price increases from $1500to $2000, demand also decreases and the Law of demand is also obeyed. The P.E.D. in this case was -0.3, thus indicating in another price inelasticity.Findings1. at that place is a negative relationship between the prices of internet service and the quantity demanded. This simply means as price increases, quantity demanded decreases and as price decreases, the quantity demanded increase s.2. The principal factor affecting for internet service is ones preference.3. Internet service is price inelastic, therefore the quantity demanded is unresponsive to changes in price.4. The humans of foreign firms (LIME) in the local economy can create good competition and result in higher consumer satisfaction.RecommendationsBoth LIME and Flow can endeavor into improving in the following areas if they havent already done so in order to boost sales and have a better competitive stanceFlow should use suggestion boxes to get feedback from customers about problems they face.Increase advertising to make the customers to have a greater liking for their internet service since preference is the factor affecting demand.The government should open up the market for internet service further. This would add to competition. Competition would lower prices and also keep money in the country since LIME is owned by the British base money is most likely exported out of the country.Sponsor more even ts that are taken place in the country.Sell 2MBPS at cheaper rates since more people are demanding 2MBPS.ConclusionIn this investigation between LIME and Flow, I have come to realize the major role that economics plays in the operation of a business. It was deduced that LIME is a better internet service provider than Flow since bigger consumer market and their customers experience no problems.BibliographyBookWebsiteshttp//
Monday, May 20, 2019
Silence As A Technique To Show Time English Literature Essay
Literary dummy up can be used to mould several intents. Silence can be used to make a tragic ambiance, to convey turned unhappiness, surprise or daze, to stress the lines originally and after it and it can besides be used to hold up suspense and emotion. This essay will research the relation enthrall between line up and silence in The Outsider and Waiting for Godot. Silence fills this hollow universe,Silence is the pick we make,Silence is the decease of this all,Silence is our destiny. This extract from Okami Kamikaze s verse form, Eternal silence seems to suit Beckett s drama absolutely.The silence is contributed to the drama by the intermissions mentioned in the phase waies. In fact there is no logical idea procedure in the drama as it is interrupted by the intermissions. The intermissions and silences in the drama make a unfertile and tragic ambiance that the characters seem to fear. Silence is pouring into the drama like H2O into a sinking ship , to cite Beckett.The sil ence, thud, echoing and resonating seems to make much torment in the supporters. It is this upseting silence that the characters try to block through useless babbling, throughout the drama. The silence is a consequence of the decomposition of the establishment of linguistic communication, thus we see short duologues, nervous laughter and long drawn intermissions. The intermissions and silences besides help in qualification an air of uncertainness that like the echoing silence envelops the full drama. This is evidenced by the fact that the characters, Vladimir and estragon are diffident about everything from the day of the month, graze, twenty-four hours, to their intent and the individuality of Godot. VLADIMIR He said Saturday. ( Pause. ) I think.Tarragon ( really insidious ) . But what Saturday? And is it Saturday? Is it non instead Sunday?( Pause. ) Or Monday? ( Pause. ) Or Friday? Time in waiting for Godot be substantiates in a funny manner, it is cloudy. Time assumes an int angible quality and lacks definition. It seems to stand still as if it were waiting for Godot excessively. This slothful consequence is created through the insistent natural processs of characters like looking in their chapeau, taking off boots and the similar. The drama with the deficiency of any background music is enshrouded in silence, making a inactive metier for clip.The tree in the background appears wastes in Act I and is covered with leaves the following. The carrot in the first-class honours degree act becomes a radish in the 2nd. A alteration usually taking hebdomads or potential months happens in a individual dark. This is besides the lone manner the readers are made cognizant of the inflection of clip. The couple of Lucky and Pozzo besides undergo a enormous alteration all in the scotch of one dark. Lucky becomes deaf-and-dumb person and Pozzo, blind. The reaching of the courier male child signals the terminal of a twenty-four hours. The reaching of Lucky and Pozz o brings with it one-dimensionality to clip, the minute they leave, clip becomes cloudy once more. The characters Lucky and Pozzo cede hence been dubbed the Champions of Time by some critics. It is as if clip is frozen in silence, merely when the silence interruptions, is clip able to travel, merely to go frozen when the steely silence returns. Gunther Andres compactly summarizes clip stating, Although a stream of clip does nt be any longer, the time stuff is non petrified yet alternatively of a change of location watercourse, clip here has become something like a dead pulp. I feel that the characters exemplify the phrase, cleanup spot Time . The ceaseless waiting, the humdrum repeat and the decomposition of linguistic communication completes this activity. Even Lucky and Pozzo who in the beginning are gifted with consciousness of clip after a few proceedingss in the inactive clip of the supporters, lose clip. In the beginning, we find Pozzo look intoing his ticker, so the ticker stops working and at last he loses his ticker. POZZO a . Thank you, dear chap. ( He consults his ticker. ) But I must truly be acquiring along, if I am to detect my agenda.VLADIMIR Time has stopped.POZZO ( snuggling his ticker to his ear ) . Do nt you think it, Sir, do nt you believe it. ( He puts his ticker back in his pocket. ) Whatever you like, but non that. Time is so dead in the frame of the supporters. We see Lucky and Pozzo, whom the supporters look up to as privileged existences callable to their consciousness of clip, besides pervert and lose their consciousness, going one with the stagnation that is clip.The Outsider is a new-made dealing with the experiential crisis of disaffection and self-alienation by Gallic writer, Albert Camus. In this reserve, the usage of silence is elusive inappropriate Waiting for Godot, with its glaring silences and intermissions. Unlike Waiting for Godot, silence here offers a infinite to believe, to concentrate and wait.The news report manner itself suits the absence of sound. It should be noted that The Outsider has really few cases of direct duologue. Most of the book is written in indirect address that creates an uneven feeling of withdrawal of Meursalt with the secret plan of the book. As a consequence, the full book seems to be encased in silence. However this remains unnoticed by the readers except when the writer draws attending to the silence. Any little, bantam sound makes us recognize the absence of it. This is particularly seen during the imprisonment of Meursalt.In many parts of the book, Meursalt seems to exhibit a stony silence without responding or respond to inquiries and even take parting in conversations. This is possibly because of a deficiency of things to state. Meursalt is, as Camus describes him, in honey with a Sun that leaves no shadows. He does non lie but stands for truth. He does non even utter the virtuous white prevarications to delight society and to carry through its m eaningless imposts. As a consequence well-nigh of Meursalt s silence are because he does nt play the game. to cite Camus.Unlike Waiting for Godot, the characters appear to be really cognizant of clip. Time here is a additive entity with definite boundaries.The book has really proper(postnominal) inside informations about clip, forenoon, eventide, hebdomad etc. and that suggests that Meursalt is really cognizant of what is traveling on around him.In The Outsider there is calculated usage of silence is to in two chief cases to demo motion. 1 is the period of captivity of Meursalt and the other during the test. We find Meursalt tidal bore to acquire it over with. He does non salary any attending to the test and longs to be back in his cell. At the terminal of Meursalt s life, he seems to detest the silence of the audience that comes to watch his executing. They seem to stand still with bated breath go he wants them to clap and hoot handling him like a hero. Silence Kills it int ensifies his limited clip before his executing conveying into crisp focal point the brevity of his life.Even during his captivity, we find him sitting in silence watching the skies change from twenty-four hours to dark, his senses more crisp and ague than of all time. neer former had my ears picked up so many noises or detected such bantam sounds. The silence creates a crisp concentration to Meursalt s senses. He waits for something to go on. He waits for person to come. He seems to cognize his destiny at the custodies of a society that does nt cognize and understand him. He seems impatient for this clip to go through into action, an action that might even direct him to his decease.The writer draws our attending to the silence by adverting the bantam noises. like a Canis familiaris s death-rattle, my bosom would nt split after all and I d hold gained some other 20 four hours. This line shows that the deathlike silence reflects the long hours of captivity. The silence is possibly t o demo the manifestly slow passing of clip. Even during the vigil, the silence is about tangible, broken merely by shortness of breaths and oinks. This by from what Meursalt considers to be an unneeded rite besides serves to show the slow transition of clip.Although we see silence in both books, used to function the same intent, the consequence created is drastically different. Silence and the consciousness of the characters to the transition of clip have successfully created affecting minutes in the texts. They have revealed to us non merely the heads of the characters, but have besides put into perspective life and decease itself. We as readers have been drawn into the whirl of these silences and clip sections with expectancy and we have neer been disappointed.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Alcoholism final
Generally, intoxi reartism is considered more as a habitual disorder rather than a disease. It is self initiated and mostly give the axe be prevented or controlled. It is as a result of over dependency on the substance (Alcohol) which is by itself a drug. convolute of the substance consequently leads to Alcoholism. There are some symptoms surrounding intoxicantic beverageism, which includes a strong thirst and cheer up to per take the substance, withdrawal, shakiness of hands and in some cases the whole body, anxiety after stopping drinking.Once sensation has started the habit, its extremely effortful to stop, they in debate gain tolerance of the drink where one(a) in stages increases the amount in order to feel the effect and get high. (Shebek J, Rindone JP. 2000) Addiction dependency In such cases, the body is accustomed to always having alcohol present which translates to you becoming a slave of the substance. Consequently, one experiences a strong urge for the drink and at this point alcohol has interpreted over your flavour where you become alcohol dependent.With time, it soon becomes the only subject you can think of and cannot do without. Surprisingly, people with alcohol dependency do not necessarily suffer liver diseases. This mostly is dependent on genes which metamorphose from one individual to another. In some individuals, it is possible to drink heavily and die from liver diseases without eer developing alcohol dependency whereas in some they may develop alcohol dependency merely do not have the liver diseases. (Goodwin, Donald W. 1988). Effects on body In the body, alcohol is promptly metabolized and absorbed by other nutrients.It is rapidly absorbed in the upper portion of the small intestine, where the alcohol laden blood then travels to the liver via the veins and capillaries of the digestive tract, which affects nearly each liver cell. Also, it affects every pipe organ of the body though its most impact is upon the liver. Live r cells are forced to first metabolize the alcohol, let the amplety acids accumulate. Alcohol metabolism permanently changes liver cell structure, which results to impairment of the livers cleverness to metabolize fats. This is basically the reason behind fatty livers in heavy drinkers.A liver clogged with fat causes liver cells to become less efficient which consequently impairs a person nutritional wellness. Alcohol displaces calories from require nutrients and also interferes with the bodys metabolism of nutrients leading to damage of the liver, digestive system and nearly every bodily organ. Prohibition of alcohol can greatly reduce its consumption and subsequently bring trim back the crime related to alcohol which in turn can save many lives and society from the ordeals emanated from this. though this is not an easy case, it calls for both the law enforcers and society to play part in it.(Cadoret, Remi J. , et. al. , December, 1986) Religious continuative with alcohol wher e messiah changed water into wine. Jesus changing water into wine was a manifest of his powers to found that he was capable and had the transforming power to change people from tasteless ordinary people to very important people who bring joy and happiness to others. He used Marys simple postulation and servants obedience to reveal his glory. His intention was to give Christians a life like that of a wedding give which is only celebrated once in a life time.Alcohol consumption was not considered a fooling event yet a one time thing which was meant to bring happy and memorable feelings but nowadays, its not the case. It has been abused by many and some have made it a effortless thing meant to solve personal issues like stress other than celebrating occasional and important events. (Agape miracle fellowship 2003). Jesus changed water into wine where wine was and still is considered a low alcohol drink which if its taken occasionally in the right quantity and manner cannot lead to alcoholism addiction and disorders. Stand of health sources pertaining alcoholism.Heath sources have a stand on this vice where they advice people to keep off from alcohol as alcoholism is perceived as a self induced disease which can be avoided or cured if at all the patient is willing to forfeit alcohol completely for his/her sake of healing. passel are advised to keep off from alcohol because its repercussions are immense and damaging to ones health which is something that can easily be avoided. (Gallant . D, 1987) I can strongly advice victims to try their level best to quit alcohol and for those who havent started and are maybe considering it, to reverse their decision before it is too late to turn back.They can avoid the I wish I knew slogan by avoiding the one sip thing is what leads to a bottle which later grows into bottles and before long one is already an alcoholic, a very difficult situation to turn back from. Governments should strongly play their roles of enforcing laws which will regulate the sale of alcohol, for instance they can raise taxes on alcoholic products to make it difficult for purchasers to enjoy it daily. Also, it can consider burning importee of this cheap alcohol drinks which are pocket friendly and encourage daily consumption. References. Cadoret, Remi J. , et. al., (December, 1986) An Adoption Study of transmissible and Environmental Factors in Drug Abuse. Archives of General Psychiatry. 43 1131-1136. Gallant . D, (1987), Alcoholism A templet to Diagnosis, Intervention, and Treatment . Colombia. Colombia University press. Goodwin, Donald W. (1988). Is Alcoholism Hereditary? New York Ballantine Books, 2nd Ed. Shebek J, Rindone JP. (2000) A Pilot Study Exploring the Effect of kudzu Root on the Drinking Habits of Patients with Chronic Alcoholism. J Altern Complement Med. 6, 145-8. Agapemiraclefellowship. (2003). miracle at marriage. www. agapeindia. com /miracle_03. .
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Evaluation Essay of ââ¬ÅIn Too Deepââ¬Â Essay
The essay In Too Deep written by tom turkey Ruprecht was structured similarly as most autobiography essays, and the authors narrative has conformed to the Dramatic flicker. I am evaluating the essay in Dramatic Arc order and place peopleThe author changed his mind and gained a lot through this travel. At the very first-class honours degree, the writer of the essay tomcat explained the undercoat of the story the inciting incident happened on the sort out trip to Hawaii. turkey cock used a special technique to arouse the audiences curiosity there are two negative phrases impossible and instead of in the beginning of the essay. Also, gobbler repeated several(prenominal) times kindergartners and uncool to express the skin sensess of unhappiness of being treated like a child and felt hostile towards the guide, which has a strong contrast to the feeling of satisfaction with the little kindergartner in the end of the essay. When describing the guide, Tom also compared the guid e with himself a rugged and cock-a-hoop guide vs. a kindergartner. His wife was in the tour group too, so Tom thought he lost face.Droven by those complex emotions, Tom asked to get into the cave although he was non interested in it at all at first. At this time, the spelunker Ernie appeared in the story. Through the phrase I courteously declined, he insisted implied the frustrating and unpleasant dialogues in the paragraphs that followed. In addition, Tom mentioned that it was his fathers story and words that encouraged him to agree the proposal. We can see that his father has a great influence on him. evoke name equation Then move to the Rising part of the Dramatic Arc. Tom and Ernie entered into the cave. Tom added a lot of action verbs to show the big difference between them. On the one hand, Tom began to ask to head back, on the other hand, Ernie just simply rushed ahead. Slither through, panicked, and began looking around those verbs directly describe how Tom could not h ide his scared emotions. When I read this part first time, I could know that every one-foot deeper, more fear came into Tom.Next, Tom presented that Ernie is an amateurish and unreliable person, which make him feel even moredangerous. There were some details he could not figure out what substance was on the caves roof, and his unprofessional behavior. Next, it is the climax part. Ernie turned turned the flashlight and asked the earthquake question in a joking way. Finally, Tom could not stand Ernie whatsoever longer, and decided he had to get out of the cave. Here, the extremely terrifying line was created by Ernies words. Although Ernie asked several questions, Tom did not give any vocal response but to describe his own nervus facialis expression and his decision to get out. There are not many describing sentences, but we can cerebrate the temporal unusual air. Then it is time to get back. Unfortunately, they lost their way and they chose the wrong way that had been picked by Tom. In the sentence, Ernie, the great spelunker, replied Oh, I have a terrible sense of direction. I think that Tom especially repeated the great spelunker to convey his complaints round his disappointing teammate. Also, the sentence Eventually Ernies spelunking expertise did kick in to show Ernie realized the wrong way. The spelunker was just like a soul who was absent all the time and finally appeared. I think this sentence was really successful, because it made Ernie vivid and humorous. The last part is the resolution. Tom and Ernie finally got out of the cave. Tom used the comparison again the verb popped and expect show his happiness first but the reality was totally adverse. The annoyed group mates standing at the entrance to the cave were really mad at them. The most enkindle thing is that the plot reversed again.The handsome guide criticized them in public first, however, he showed his admiration in private, which satisfied Toms self-pride to a great extent. Comparing t he different attitudes between the beginning and the end, we can explore that the writer changed his mind. He challenged himself to explore the cave, and after this adventure, he felt better about himself and became more confident. He thought he was also a cool and brave man in front of his wife, which is very important to him. The writer Tom was good at describing the atmosphere and dealing with the details, and the atmosphere and details really impressed me. Also, every process of the incident was connected closely, and all of the peoples actions had powerful motivations. every last(predicate) in all, I think it is a really successful autobiography essay.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Judging yourself
This is a strong struggle that could go well over either way. Even though the state at this point in time does not have a right-to-die statue I believe it should. A reconstruct that one is pursuit help and care from should have no say how he/she (the patient) should die. By definition a doctor is a person licensed to practice medicine, as a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian (dictionary. com). Nowhere in that description does it explain a person licensed to declare rightful legal euthinization.Being the daughter of a terminal cancer patient is hard enough. I cant imagine having the extra stress of monitoring how your pose or father dies in the hospital bed. Having a state law for the right to die statue could unless so many more families from extra heartache. After entirely it plan and simple is your very give birth life to live and if one wants to die in a certain way by golly they should be allowed to. Plan and simple the statue involves, shifting the right-to-die laws from granting permission for remainder to defining hat constitutes causing a wrong death.Thereby allowing choosing timely death will require new thinking within the right-to-die movement. But this second mount is likely to be supported by more people who formerly were undecided about the right-to-die. We all want to avoid premature death for ourselves. And we can support new laws that prohibit helping or causing anyone to die too soon. But this still becomes an issue because everyone has different opinions and views on life death and even health treatments.Looking on the court side the law against causing premature death specifies safeguards that readiness be fulfilled in order to prove that the death was timely rather than premature. And because these sateguards are include in the written law, no Judge can exclude such facts and opinions from any subsequent trial. A great example would be the last trial of Jack Kevorkian was lost because the defense could not aim testim ony from the patient and the family that death at this time was the best possible alternative.The Judge ruled that all such facts and opinions were irrelevant. The only question was whether Jack Kevorkian gave a lethal injection. If Dr. Kevorkian had been charged with causing premature death, he would never have been sent to prison because the death of Thomas Youk who was dying of ALSwas not premature (Park, Permission). The fact that he died a timely death would have been proven by presenting safeguards that were fulfilled in choosing the best time for him to die.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Since the dawn of civilization, people agonize for? Essay
informatics provides the means for a development and growth of social networking service. The greet for communications has been reduced by enabling simultaneous transmission of multimedia content. On professional level, videoconference administrations rump accommodate people from all over the world to organize meetings and arrange their business, hence the issue of withdrawnness and time has been eliminated. On person-to-person level, people idler contact with their friends at anytime without considering the economical problem or the distance, especially when someone is resident of a foreign country. Also informatics , allows us to store, analyze and assay through massive amounts of info on very short time. In addition, informatics weds motley devices much(prenominal) as smart-phones, tablets and personal computers.Modern devices argon adjusted for usage of the same protocols and standards, which overcomes hardware difference. Moreover, Informatics has noticeable contrib ution on the development of algorithms, applying it on crypto interprety. Besides that it is utilise for computing, biometrics and primarily for graph algorithms, which solve problems related to scheduling, connection, transportation, games and network analysis. Algorithms are supercharge associated with neural networks. That makes it rase more efficient for data study, decision-making process and machine learning. As the complexity of solution grows and the number of people involved in the intention increases, so does the further development complexity. even out there, Informatics responds with versatile solutions by software engineering and IT management.Neverless, the users go intot want a perfect workingly services, it also has to be interesting and handy for their postulate. Therefore, informatics has to spree solutions and ideas on the ambit of user-user interaction, which is actually based on user-service interaction. Numerous social games or virtual worlds, where w e jackpot interact with some other users like in the real world gives us the feeling that we communicate right away with other users, but such services find many tasks behind the scene. Users create groups and share interests, experience, feedbacks, habit. In the backend, the social networking service whitethorn collect, analyze and learn from data. For instance,chat service bay window build database of manner of speaking we use the most and add them in auto-complete functionality, which speeds up search and messaging.The main goal of user interfaces is simplify user-service (human-machine) interaction and therefore, better user experience. A social networking service has to be easy to use, attractive, competitive and scalable. It mustiness treat users as spoiled, lazy and always unsatisfied. They want real-time monitoring, the feeling of a safe and strong application. The best systems for social networking are those, which make it possible for users to use it easily in spit e of their age, preceding computer skills or specific demands.Also those, who harbor special needs, such as people with visual, hearing or any other disability, should benefit from it. Since users flummox become more demanding, various browsers do not support same JavaScript Functions and HTML5 with CSS3 has brought wise options, such as web storage, raisevas 2D drawing, geo-location, responsive project etc. frontend development became more complex. Static generated pages have been replaced by dynamically loaded content and scripts. We canful choose from a variety of open-source JavaScript frameworks that differ in purpose, speed, assertion, community size etc. shining devices make the user experience even more diverse and exciting by using sounds, vibrations, digital camera and other built in hardware.3. Social networking services threatsSocial networking services as a product of Informatics and social networks gave us unimaginable opportunity to connect with people. On t he other hand, they have many disadvantages. The illusion of safety, often make us forget the possible consequences. Heedless of the danger, we share our personal data with people who we do not know, therefore a lot of misuses appear. Companies trade information slightly users, there are many cases of identity thefts, in brief, social networks offer a chance for various criminal offenses. We know very little about how and where they store our personal data and who has access to them. Even when we adjust our settings for completely private accounts, our friends or services may inadvertently leak our personal information. We do not know whether they leave behind ever actually bedeleted.Immense amount of users is not except bullied interest in networking, but also invaders, who attack and abuse either from personal satisfaction, or even receive payment for their work. They use various attack methods, based on personal profiles, trust or exploits, e.g. social networking worms, such a s Koobface.4. InfluencesSimilar to Newtons third law of motion, one can conclude that everything society receives, passes on in the environment. The impact of the social networks on society indirectly affects other fields like economy (PayPal Inc. 2013), education, politics (Shirky 2011), entertainment etc. These fields see social networks as an opportunity to approach to the crowd, mostly for the purpose of manipulation (Benham, Edwards, Fractenberg, Gordon-Murnane, Hetherington, Liptak & Mintz 2012). The most common use of manipulation can be seen in setting imaginary guidelines, viral marketing and targeted advertising (Mitra & Baid 2009, 366-372). Referring to paragraph three, companies have degage access to some of our personal data, or they can reach us by low damage targeted advertising, offered by social networking services (Eddy2012).It may be based on specific personal profiles, such as sex, interests, education, status, age, geographical location and even on private mes sages content.Motivated by Domingos and Richardson Viral Marketing baby-sit (Richardson & Domingos 2002, 61-70), numerous companies are searching for cheapest ways to adopt a new product or innovation, whilst want for smallest subset of individuals, which may trigger a large cascade of further adoptions. They are interested in individuals who have the greatest impact on the target social network (Kempe, Kleinberg & Tardos 2003, 137-146). Moreover, the use of technologies offered by social networking services can reduce the development costs (Churchill & Halverson 2005) or can simplify the use of applications e.g. registration system with the existing user accounts from social networks.Furthermore, with clicking on the like buttons one contributes to profiling users (Hung, Huang, Hsu & Wu 2008), which is especiallyinteresting and utilizable in research, determining paths, positioning in the search engines etc. Recent studies, based on a dataset of over 58,000 volunteers suggest, that easily accessible digital records of users behavior in social networking systems, can be used to automatically and accurately predict a range of highly sensitive personal attributes (Kosinski, Still tumefy & Graepel 2013), e.g. religious and policy-making views, intelligence, happiness, parental separation etc. However, the economy influences social networks by adapting social networking and its services according to the needs of the users. Economys investments in the most prospective social networking services have a crucial influence as they allow further development, starting new projects, research and changing habits of users.5. TrendsThe expansion of new research areas in the field of Informatics led to re-implementation of social interactions in social networking services. Therefore, changes in the field of social networks are incredibly fast to keep up with. Nevertheless, in few last years, we may notice two main trends that have emerged visualization of content and mo bile use and sharing (Bullas 2012). For trend of content visualization we can find the reasons in exceptional progress in technologies for detecting patterns in digital images. Thus allow analysis and image processing on servers where social networking services can get even more personal information about users.This motivated investments in deeper research, and in further years we may expect DNA data sharing, through which social networking services may link us and connect to all our near and distant relatives. Mobile use and sharing trend will continue to grow, since use of smart mobile devices is increasing. Better user experience, mobility, availability, as well as rapid and cheaper mobile data transfer are just few of many reasons. Recent technologies, like digital glasses (Google Inc.2013), may allow us to record and share each moment of our life sentence. Despite strong efforts of the health sector, where currently more than 350 million people suffer from addiction of social networking services (Bullas 2012), at the continued growth of those services trend is likely to continue.6. ConclusionOnly a few decades ago, we have not even intuited how important role will Informatics have in our daily life and how huge contribution will have through its social networking services on us, social networks and world(prenominal) economy. Social networking services as part of social networks are one of the hottest research topics nowadays. We have scurvy insights in their long term impact on society, since we have witnessed true expansion only in the last few years. However, the first negative implications, like privacy issues are already visible, as well as first solutions, which aim to limit misuse. Recently, Apple has published a patent, which targets social network stalkers and spammers. The ebullient use of social networking services promote narcissism (Buffardi & Campbell 2008, 1303-1314). As one has thousands of virtual friends, this could mean that in real life he does not have them at all (Tong, Van Der Heide, Langwell & Walther 2008, 531-549). And finally, one of the studies suggests that shit use of social networking services may lead to asocial user behavior (Orr, Sisic, Ross, Simmering & Arseneault 2009, 337-340). These are just some of the findings of studies pointing to major changes in society.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Operation Anaconda 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Operation Anaconda 2 - Essay Examplece inputs received from various agencies it was figured out that Afghanistan and the Taliban government is proving to be a big support for such elements. And the rest is history. When the war started off, it was perceived that once the Taliban government is over and the terrorists ar flushed out of their safe heavens, the allied forces will hand over reins of power to the local government and make an early exit from the country. But the irony is, even after six years, no secure exit route depends in sight and the allied forces appear to have stuck up in a catch-22 situation.The operation anaconda began well after a series of spirited air strikes on the pointed targets in and around Kabul and Kandahar. These airstrikes were to make the ground situation less troublesome for the allied, so that the mission of the forces could be accomplished in minimum possible time. Now, when after six years, the US has a new president, who has been slender of t he erstwhile policies of his predecessor on many fronts, the situation doesnt appear to be any different. Afghanistan is in the midst of the presidential elections and if media reports are an indication, notwithstanding the allegations of widespread fraud cases, the incumbent president is expected to be back as well. But, theres still no ray of hope for the US forces. This sure enough raises question marks on the efficacy of give-and-take organizations like CIA and SOF in correctly analyzing the inputs. Today when the forces appear desperate to the leave the battlefield, the war seems to have become unwinnable amidst the dwindling support for these efforts amongst the citizens.It is quite apparent that the intelligence inputs proved inadequate on many counts. Just before the start of the operation anaconda, the Taliban militia was acquire support from Pakistani military and their intelligence establishment. After the Pakistan government was coerced to support the allied forces ef forts in jab out the
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Thesis proposal about antibiotic resistance pathogens in fomities Dissertation
Thesis proposal about antibiotic drug resistance pathogens in fomities - thesis ExampleFew pathogens exhibit resistance to antibiotics. Genes that confer resistance to drugs can however be transferred mingled with microorganisms (Hawkey and Jones, 7). This transfer can occur through three different ways namely transformation, transduction or by conjugation. This transfer makes many bacteria to develop resistance. Antibiotic resistance can, therefore, occur naturally. In this natural occurrence, the motivative(prenominal) gene becomes sh bed between organisms in close proximity of one another (Birgit Strommenger, 3). In such(prenominal) occurrence, the bacteria cannot be exposed to treatment. Exposure to antibiotics at this stage can cause evolutionary express which leads to the development of the distasteful trait. Plasmids can be defined as desoxyribonucleic acid molecules separate from the chromosomal DNA with the ability to replicate on their own (Abad and R M Pint, 65). Mos t antibiotic resistant genes reside within these plasmids. The ability of plasmids to replicate independently makes it extremely difficult to kill the microorganisms residing in them. around organisms possess several resistant genes. Multidrug resistant is the formal name given to such organisms. Informally, they can be referred as superbugs.Executive summary This is a research based proposal which seeks to explore into the area of antibiotic resistance by commonly found infectious bacteria. ... The factors which aid the pathogens in the spread have withal been put into consideration within this proposal. Introduction The ample use of antibiotics in modern day aesculapian treatments has brought about many challenges into the field of medicine. Several microorganisms when exposed to these drugs develop resistance to the drug. This in turn translates to a difficult dilemma to medical practitioners. The only way to treat these infections is through exposing them to drugs. This expo sure, however, makes them develop resistance to the analogous drugs (Hawkey, 4). This proposal explores the various pathogens which have developed this trait. The role of these pathogens in Hospital Acquired Infection and the transmission routes for the pathogens are also evaluated. Causes of antibiotic resistance Numerous reasons have been cited for the widespread resistance to antibiotics in modern medicine. The extensive use of antibiotic in modern medicine has been one of the major contributors to this emerging trend. Overreliance on antibiotic has been a leading factor to the development of multidrug resistance among pathogens (Hawkey and Jones, 7). The multidrug resistant pathogens have also become popular between many bacterial species which did not previously exhibit these characteristics. This can be attributed to the ability of certain(p) bacteria to transfer the resistant gene to others. The misuse and overuse of antibiotics by both doctors and patients alike has been q uoted as the major cause of drug resistance. Other factors have been the addition of antibiotics into animal feeds, and fraudulent practices among the manufacturers within the pharmaceutical industry. There is a need for the individuals
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